Wow, sounds like quite the week you all had! My week was pretty crazy as well! Yes, I have been transferred, after about 6 months in North Omaha, I am now down in South O. I just moved down across the border. Same ward, new investigators. It's crazy. But I love the change. I needed it. So my new companion is Elder King from Idaho. We are going to have an awesome time together.
So speaking of our ward....Saturday night at about 10:35, the Bishop calls and asked if I could speak for 20 minutes on I accepted, and was up till about 2:30 working on a talk to help encourage the members about missionary work. Yeah, that was a joy. The talk actually went pretty good, just would have been nice to have a little more time. Especially because me and Elder King's first 2 days together we didn't leave the apartment. He had a fever of 101, so I spent 2 solid days in the apartment. Ha, yeah, that was hard. But I am easily distracted so I found ways to distract myself.
Also the day before transfers I went on exchanges with Elder King and we had a way awesome experience! We met a guy named David Lopez on his porch and started talking to him about the Book of Mormon. And we explained authority and baptism to him as well and Elder King invited him to be baptized. He was hesitant to accept and said it seems like such a long staircase. I don't know what it was, probably inspiration, but I said to him, "You are right, it is kind of like a staircase, but with only 5 steps." Then I explained to him, Faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. And I told him we would be there helping him prepare for baptism. So he realized it wouldn't be terribly hard and he accepted a baptism date for the 22nd of August. He is out of town in Lincoln now, but we are going to be working with him quite a bit when he gets back. That was a way cool experience!
So leaving the North was hard. People actually cried. I couldn't believe it. And I found out that 2 little 6 year old girls had a crush on me there, Ana and her friend Tasha. Ha they are the daughters of 2 investigators that live together. Orquedia, the investigator said she found them writing love notes to me. Ah kids.....
So the new area is great! I think I have become a lot more bold with people. And it's actually a good thing. I have begun telling people how it is and not beating around the bush. It seems to be helping. I think it really helps the people we are teaching realize the importance of our message and especially about coming to church.
Sorry I don't have much to talk about. Spent all day Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, in the apartment.
So how is the Wilcox family doing? I got some letters from all of them. They are so great!! Dawson's letter started off like this, "Lakers Suck." Haha. And Weston's was..... I know you like guitars, I like them too. Then a picture of me and him. Haha what cool kids! I love that family! Just hearing from all of them was great!
Mmmm so how much weight have I gained? I think like 25 pounds. I look gooooood. My temple/baptism pants are pretty dang tight, but I am living. :) :) Haha! Actually funny story about that. Today we were thrift store shopping for fun. And I went to buy 2 sweet ties and the girl at the cash register was like.... 17, and she turns to her friend at the register next to her and says "He is cute" in Spanish. Haha, little did she know, I understand Spanish. So I just laughed. And then as I was leaving, I said, "By the way, thanks for the compliment." HA!!! It was so funny. I love being white and people thinking I don't speak Spanish.
Thanks for having the Young Women write to the missionaries. That is neat. Missionaries love letters! And that is da truth! Oh yeah, so I did get a new address it is :
5802 S 14th st #5
Omaha, NE 68107
But just have everyone send stuff to the mission home, so that way it always reaches me no matter where I go :) Thanks.
Well sorry this hasn't been totally exciting. Not much went on this week as I mentioned earlier. But Elder King is awesome. We are going to do pretty well together. He is like another me. You'll see from the camera when I send that back. :) We have a lot of fun. Maybe to much.... I'll let ya think on that. :) Actually mom it is all obedience fun! :) But yeah we have these guns made out of PVC pipe and they shoot little kind of like cotton balls but smaller and heavier. And at night when it's dark, we turn off all the lights and play 007 with them and shoot fur balls at each other. It's so much fun!
But anyways.... take care!!! And the the skies in the Midwest are just awesome!!
I love you all! And miss you!!!
Court tomorrow...... yay!
Love always,
Elder Moore