I figured I would start off the letter this week with a Holyoak family shout out! Hey Holyoaks!!!!
Well this week was quite a good one! We set Rodalfo for baptism on the 7th of November! We are so excited for him. He has come to church twice in the last 2 weeks. It has been great. We had a lesson with him at the house of some great members, and the first thing he said to us was ..... "Tell me about baptism." Wow, yeah.... that was the first time ANYONE has ever said that!!! Ever!!So we had a great lesson with him about authority and baptism. And then we asked him to be baptized on the 7th of November and he said... "In the name of Jesus, yes!" It was so incredible! So he is very excited for his baptism!
Oh yea... so Saturday night! We had a lesson in the Rivera house with Rodalfo. And we said we had to go, but Sister Rivera said... WAIT! Not yet. She went to the kitchen and brought out a cake with a candle! It was so cool and so unexpected! They are great! Yeah people here are being good to me. I haven't told like anyone it's my bday. So it was nice of them and I don't know how they found out. But they are being good to me. ;)
This Saturday we will be having the baptisms of Alma and Eric and also their wedding. They announced their baptisms in Priesthood, the Gospel Principles class, and in Sacrament meeting. They couldn't be more excited for their date for baptism. I cannot wait until this Saturday!!! So now the next 2 Saturdays we will have BAPTISMS!!!! Woohoo!!!! Baptizing is so much fun and so is teaching! It is such an amazing experience setting people for baptism and how strong the spirit is when that happens.
So I have been getting boxes left and right. Full of candy. I am going to put on quite a few pounds. :) Elder Morrill's parents sent me a package. So I know they read this letter. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! They are awesome. Thank you so much for your gifts I really appreciate them so much!!! I haven't broken open the pinata yet. We will see what we do with that. ;) But thank you mom!! Also, tell Grandma and Papa thank you so much. I also got a sweet homemade comic book from my sweet cousin Hallie. :) Amber also sent me some beautiful pictures of her, OUR sweatshirt, a tape, and some way awesome stuff! I love that girl!! She is great! I got lucky with her! My wonderful Aunt Diane out in New York sent me an E-card over email. She is awesome! I can't wait to go out and see her.
Well mom, I am glad I was the only little white kid at the hospital where I was born. ;) That is why I got some black in me. And a little hispanic in me. And then... I am white. So I cannot believe that Justin is in Hawaii. That is so unbelievable. That lucky guy! So I have a birthday, and he goes to Hawaii. What is up with that?! Haha, he is going to have fun.
Brooklyn is awesome! I can't wait to see her in her outfit! That girl is so amazing! Haha, and that is funny that Shortcake was in the Haunted House. That little girl is full of so much love isn't she? I have the best family!!
Well the bday is going well. Thank you for everything. And yes... I am 20! Woohoo!The North Elders called me this morning and sang to me in Spanish. It was funny. Then the office sang to me. And I got a card from the Office and from President. Its been a good day. Once again thank you so much for the box you sent! Full of fun stuff.
Oh by the way... I am not quite sure what I am going to be for Halloween. We will have a baptism that morning, then go to the Thompsons for the day and the Sandovals for the night. I think that is our plan. We will see though. I don't know. I think on Halloween I am going to be me. :) Or a 3 hole punch version of Jim. From The Office. Yeah Amber you'll understand. :)
The work is going great here. We are loving the people we are serving. Actually one funny story. We got a referral from someone and they set us up an appointment for 6. So we went to the house and there were 2 guys outside. So we walked up to them and asked if Juan was home. And the guy says... "We don't know Juan. He doesn't live here." So I said, "Well what's your name?"... and he said... "My name is.......................Miguel?" Haha! So I said, "Well hey there Miguel!" I am sure that that was Juan. It was funny.
Well I believe that is all. I think.... If I think of anything more I will write you and let you know. This week was great. One more wonderful person set for baptism! One more person ready to make that commitment. He is so excited about it.I love you all!!! Thank you for all your love and support!I love you!!!!! I love you so much mom! I am so lucky that you are my mom! I love it! Say hi to everyone for me please!
Elder Moore