Well here is a picture of Eric and Alma's baptism! Meaning.... YES it did happen!!! It was awesome. They are such a great couple and amazing people. The sad thing is that they have plans to return to Mexico. But they are so happy to be baptized now and haven't stopped expressing their joy to now be members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I called them Sunday morning on our way to church at about 9:00 to make sure they were up. They didn't answer and I got worried. We walked into church and they were already there! It was awesome. Actually Alma said that they got there at 8:00 because they forgot about the time change. And we had no idea about it either! The elders from the North slept over at our apartment and we got up and our phones said 7, and the other clocks 8. So we were all very confused!
Ok, so I need to apologize for my email last week. I told you just that we set Rodalfo/Jacobo for baptism, but I did not explain how we did it, and the spirit that was there. Elder Morrill and I talked before about teaching him about priesthood authority and baptism. So we went into the members' house with him and we were just all talking before we started the lesson and I turned to Elder Morrill and told him we needed to teach about the spirit before we taught about those two things. So we explained the spirit and told him to pay attention to the feelings that he would feel while we taught. We also explained the feeling and the role of the Holy Ghost, that is, to testify of truth. I don't know why I had the impression to teach about that. But as we taught it became more and more clear. The scripture in Acts popped into my head in chapter 2, verses 37-38, and 41. So after we had taught about baptism and priesthood, we asked him how he felt, and asked him to explain his feelings. After he had done that, we read him this scripture. It is when Peter is teaching and he has just finished and the people ask, "what should we do?" because they had felt the spirit. And he said, "be baptized and recieve the Holy Ghost." So we invited him to be baptized using that scripture and he accepted. It was AWESOME!!! It was a great experience. So he is preparing to be baptized this Saturday. So this week was a good one. The work was good. Now.... we have to focus on finding again. Because we have no one progressing or even that we are teaching seriously right now besides Jacobo.
Some crazy things happened this week. There has been some major disobedience issues in the mission and President is having to change a lot of things. President Kunz called me last night and told me that there were some emergency transfers in our zone. 2 areas have been closed, and I recieved another companionship in my district. This companionship has been the cause of some disobedience. It's going to be quite the change. Some of the things that are happening in the mission are very crazy. But I know President was called of God, and I love him. So I guess the only thing I can do is support him in the decisions he makes. But one decision I am not happy about is that instead of having transfers the day after Thanksgiving, it will be the day BEFORE Thanksgiving. There are a lot of people very unhappy about that decision. Oh well.... guess we'll see what happens.
I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better! And that Halloween went well! We dressed up as civilians. :) And I bought a sweet fannypack! I fit right in. :) But we didn't really do anything or go anywhere. We did hang out with the Thompsons on Saturday and played some crazy Cranium.
Wow, yeah keep me updated on what is happening with Curt Weaver! That is terrible. What is going on with the guys on our street? They are all having some serious injuries and things happen to them. Congrats to Vance on his mission call! That is going to be so much fun. They are all going to love there missions. It is a great experience. I can't believe Dano is going in this next week! Wow.... Good for him. It's amazing how fast it goes by. Tomorrow I will hit 11 months. It really is just flying by. So tell them to enjoy the time the Lord gives them. I'm sad to hear about Granny. I hope things start to improve with her. :) I do love that woman.
Yeah, I got the bday card from Jon and Lisa! And Jon wrote it all in Spanish. I love that! It was sweet. I am going to have to write him back.... in Spanish. :) That is one thing that I don't do enough of is writing in Spanish. But I did have 3 dreams in Spanish this week. Haha, that was fun. And 2 of them took place in a Panda Express... yeah, weird I know, since they speak Japanese there. Oh well...But Jon and Lisa... Thank you so much!!! And I'll be writing ya'll back. Haha, ya'll.
Well that is the excitement for the week. It was awesome seeing Alma and Eric get married and then baptized! They are great. After I comfirmed Alma a member of the church she was crying and smiling. They are going to be great members.I love you all! The church is true! Oh yeah.... So Sandy Adamson sent me a book for my bday. The Peacegiver. If you haven't read it.... I suggest it. I finished it in 4 days! Yeah I know, very impressive for me. Elder Morrill felt a lttle under the weather on Thursday so I got a lot of reading in. It is an amazing book!
I love you!! Take care.
Elder Moore
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